Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where you can found us.

Our goal is to be your preferred Land Surveying Company in South Africa.
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Contact Details

Contact Details
Postal address: New Tech surveyors
                            P O Box 1128
Residential address: Farm No 334, Giyani
Tel: 012 234 7557
Fax: 012 234 7554
Facebook: New Tech Surveyors

Working Hours

Working Hours

Monday to Thursday
  O8:00 to 16:30
Friday and Saturday
     08:00 to 12:00
We don’t work

about us

Limpopo New Tech Surveyors
New tech surveyors is found in Giyani, Limpopo, South Africa.
It is formed in 2009, by Mr Gala Misho former deputy manager of Malangela Survey Company which is found In Eastern Cape.
Aim of creating this survey company is to help factories and farms in Limpopo on creating buildings Structures and Infrastrures that are properly planned and to create job opportunities for people living in Limpopo as there are few job opportunities because of lack of companies and factories in Limpopo.
Twitter: @Newtechsurveyor1

Some of our workers doing practical’s in Pretoria, Tshwane University of Technology before they go to Toppieshoek survey Camp


STUDENT DOING PRACTICALS IN SURVEYING CAMP, TOPPIESHOEK, NORTH WEST, They were using levelling instrument to do rise and fall method, Long section and Cross Section.